
I’m William, a technologist, design researcher, and product strategist making tools for more human and spatial experiences with technology.

With Violet Whitney, I’ve cofounded Spatial Pixel, where we are building a “new kind of spatial computing, one for your space, not for your face.”

As an adjunct at Columbia University GSAPP, I’m currently researching spatial AI, the applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other computational methods to spatial, architectural, and urban design problems.

I was trained as an architect and have served as director of artificial intelligence at Consensys, a lecturer at the Yale School of Architecture, assistant professor at the New York Institute of Technology, head of product at VR/real-estate tech startup Floored, software engineer at data science startup Ufora, product lead at Pivotal Software (acquired by VMware), and director of product management at Recycle Track Systems.

I look like this:

This website is where I explore ideas, clumsily. I revise posts and projects continually.

I’m based in Philadelphia and New York City, USA. Please reach out at william@spatialpixel.com or LinkedIn.